
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

BOOM! yeah... I did some stuff...

Yeah, I'm definitely horrid at blogging... Days and weeks and months just seem to fly by, plus there are episodes of Law & Order to watch, so it seems like there really isn't much time for writing about my life. So sorry, you poor, pitiful blog.

I wasn't completely wasting time... I've had some amazing culinary adventures (I have got to start taking pictures of these foodventures... such goodness can be shared!), traveled a bit, and had a daily internal struggle about whether this heavy caffeination thing can possibly be healthy.  PLUS, I did some things on my list!! You may or may not remember that I made a list in my last post of 25 things I'm going to do I plan to try to do while I'm 25 (I'm actually 100% confident you do NOT remember, since nobody reads this little non-gem). Well, as it turns out, I only have about exactly 11 weeks to get the rest of these things done... Yeah... Totally feasible... Anywho, here's an update on things I've done!

4. Take someone on their first vacation:  I took my best buddy Adrien on his first real vacation in July! We took a long weekend for the 4th of July and went to California.  I'm from San Diego, so we spent some time down there, including the holiday itself, but we also made sure to hit up Disneyland and an Angels vs. Dodgers game. We had a BLAST! Personally, it's hard for me to be on a true vacation if my phone still works, but he considered it a vacay, and therefore so do I!

5.  Dye my eyelashes:  I'm calling this one complete. I didn't exactly dye my eyelashes, but I did wear fake ones for the better part of a week. Can you say ADDICTION??? OMG I LOVE IT!! I'm a natural ginger, so I have really light lashes, which make my eyes look all small and weird when I'm not slathered in mascara and eyeliner. Fake eyelashes changed my life. There, I said it.

6.  Go to the Grand Canyon:  I took my MOMMA! We made it a very long (but very fun) day trip back in August.  Like any good daughter, for Mothers' Day this year I bought her a plane ticket to come visit.  I'm a huge fan of half-selfish gifts. We grabbed some snacks, some coffee, and set out on the 5 hour drive to the Grand Canyon! We did a good amount of walking, but of course for some reason I figured flip flops would be appropriate (decision made pre-latte), so we didn't get to do TOO much hiking (oh, darn!).

 This is my mom... Whippin' it good!

15.  Visit 3 new states:  One down... Florida! Nicole and I went to Miami and on a cruise out of Ft. Lauderdale. We made sure to spend a weekend in South Beach, which was awesome! The nightlife is crazy... I was honestly a little overwhelmed. I was sooooo out of my element. We also got to see Key West on our cruise, and met some sweet southern boys who showed us around on their scooters.

16.  Go to a pro sports game at a stadium I've never been to:  When in Miami, Nicole and I made sure to hit up the Dolphins vs. Bills game at Sun Life Stadium. I don't think I've ever spent that much on taxis in 3 days, but MAN was it worth it!! Of course, we ended up at the one game of the year it was pouring, but we found several friendly tailgaters who were kind enough to share their shelter. Floridians (??) are quite hospitable. [Note that I remembered later, when editing this post... the ANGELS game in Anaheim was also at a stadium I've never been to! That's pretty cool... Two in one year!]

 Our buddy Laz, who was also one of our gracious hosts at the tailgate

17.  Parasail:  Ohhhh yeah... I did get a chance to do this on a cruise! I really thought it was going to be intense, but it is so amazingly calm up there! You can see for miles, see all sorts of wildlife swimming around in the ocean below, and you can hardly hear anything except the wind whistling thru your heart-shaped earrings.

20.  Grow and maintain an herb garden:  I'm so impressed with myself on this one. Granted, the little buggers have only been alive and in my care since early October, but I think I'm doing quite well!  The freezing cold temperatures have brought my little experiments inside for the time being, but I have a thriving rosemary plant, fragrant thyme, and basil that doesn't like the cold, but has still managed to more than triple in size! I have the most non-green thumb ever (I use a red Solo cup to water these guys), but somehow they are still truckin thru!  *knocks on wood*

Starting point...
 Present day... Keep in mind that I have used each several times for various kitchen concoctions!

WHOA!! That's more things than I thought I did! 7 out of 25... Not too shabby! I'll write again... sooner this time, I promise!

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